Why subscribe?

The Kaitchup focuses on recent advances in making AI more accessible. With this newsletter, you will learn how to run AI on your computer. Progress is fast: larger models are getting cheaper to use.

By being a paid subscriber to The Kaitchup, you also get access to all the AI notebooks, hands-on tutorials, and more in-depth analyses of recently published scientific papers.

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The Kaitchup is also a growing community

This is a young newsletter with a fast-growing community. If you have some issues with one of the notebooks or find new concepts that are not clear enough, The Kaitchup will help you and answer your questions!

This newsletter only relays and tries interesting works that I’ve found online. If you find that I didn’t properly cite a work, please reach out.
I don’t do any consulting at the moment.


The Kaitchup logo has been created by Flaticon:

Ketchup icons created by Triberion - Flaticon

Subscribe to The Kaitchup – AI on a Budget

Weekly news, tips, and tutorials on fine-tuning, running, and serving large language models on your computer. Each tutorial is published along with a notebook ready to run.


Research scientist in NLP/AI.